Autodesk autocad 2016 pdf free.Autodesk Maya
The buttons expand to reveal all the tools shown on the full ribbon. Click the Minimize Ribbon button again. The panel buttons change Objective into panel titles. Click the Home tab to reveal the full I panel temporarily. It disappears after you move the cursor away.
I recommend using the 5. The full ribbon interface is restored. Use one of the 6. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the Edit panel to reveal minimized modes to additional tools. Hover the mouse over one of the tools to display a save space onscreen. Holding the cursor a while longer reveals an image that illustrates what the tool does see Figure 1.
AutoCAD is based on commands. Observe that the bottom of the tooltip shown in Figure 1. The ribbon, menus, I toolbars, and palettes are all graphical alternatives to typing commands. Press and release the Alt key. Keytips appear on the ribbon see Figure 1. Pressing any of the letter combinations activates that part of the GUI. Type IN and observe that the Insert tab is selected without moving the cursor.
If you undock the 9. The bottom command line, it can line, Command:, is called the command linee. The complete history of commands scrolls upward as and to show a number of lines of prompt new commands are entered. Two lines history. The application status bar contains a coordinate readout on the left and a number of status toggle buttons, as shown in Figure 1.
The icons that have arrows adjacent to them open menus. Toggle off all the status bar toggles so that no icons are highlighted in blue. Open the customization menu by clicking the rightmost icon on the status bar and deselect Clean Screen, Coordinates, Isometric Drafting, and Annotation Monitor from the context menu that appears.
You can control which buttons appear on the status bar using this menu. J www. Take a look at the InfoCenter at the top right of the screen see Figure 1. Click in the search box and type solid. Multiple online books are searched, and relevant results appear in the left panel. Click the Help button on the right edge of the InfoCenter.
The Help Table Of Contents page opens. All AutoCAD documentation is accessible through this interface. The hyphen is used to separate inches from fractions of an inch rather than feet from inches.
Decimal Metric users should select this type. One decimal unit can be equal to 1 millimeter, 1 centimeter, or any metric unit that you decide. Engineering Like the Architectural type, engineering units feature feet and inches, but the inches are represented in decimal form—for example, Fractional American woodworkers often prefer to set AutoCAD drawings in fractional units of inches because that is how their work is normally reckoned.
Click the New button on the Quick Access toolbar. Most commands have aliases that minimize typing. You can press Enter or the spacebar to enter commands command names never have spaces. Commands and their options can be typed in uppercase or lowercase. Select Architectural from the Type drop-down menu. Metric users should select Decimal length units. Click the Insertion Scale drop-down menu and select Inches or Centimeters for metric. Click OK to close the Drawing Units dialog box. Now You Know In this chapter, you learned how to sign in to Autodesk , open and save sample drawings, identify user interface elements, access model- and paperspace, change workspaces, control the appearance of the ribbon, type commands using AutoComplete, identify commands in the graphical user interface, and set the drawing units.
You will learn how to correct mistakes, navigate two-dimensional space, and use coordinate systems to draw accurately. Exercise 2. Type 1 and press Enter. The Navigation bar appears on the right side of the user I interface see Figure 2.
The last-used tool appears on top. Click ZOOM command. Click Pan in the Navigation bar, drag the mouse from left to right, and then press Enter to end the command.
For an alternative method, press and hold the mouse wheel and pan the drawing to center the refrigerator on the canvas as shown in There are many Figure 2. Pan to the lower-left corner of the refrigerator by right-clicking, choosing Pan from the context menu, and dragging in the canvas.
I Press Esc to end the command. Click points A and B, as shown in Figure 2. Roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in further and drag the mouse capability of AutoCAD.
Type Z and press the spacebar. Type P and press Enter to execute Zoom Previous. Repeat this process until you can see the entire refrigerator. You can choose an option by typing its blue letter and pressing Enter, by clicking the highlighted option on the command line itself, or by pressing the down-arrow key and selecting the option from a dynamic input menu in the drawing window. The default option is indicated in angled brackets, which in the case of the ZOOM command is real time.
You initiate the default option by either clicking Enter or pressing the spacebar. To see everything that has been drawn, you can use the Extents option of the ZOOM command or, better yet, use this special shortcut: double-click the mouse wheel.
Position the cursor over the bathroom sink and roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in. Notice that the view stays centered on the sink without your having to pan see Figure 2. Drag the mouse wheel to make slight panning adjustments if necessary to center the target object onscreen.
Practice zooming into the kitchen sink, the stove, and the bathtub using the various methods shown in this section. Save your work. Your model should now resemble Ex You will begin by drawing some lines and rectangles without worrying yet about entering measurements. Turn off all status toggles in the application status bar if they are not You will use some of off already.
Status toggles are highlighted in blue when they are on and the status toggles appear in gray when they are off see Figure 2. Open the Customization menu I last icon on the right and toggle off Graphics Performance.
Click another point to draw your second segment. The prompt on the command line reads as follows: LINE Specify next point or [Undo]: Press the down-arrow key and then click Undo in the dynamic menu that appears near the cursor. The last point you clicked is undone, but the rubber band continues to be connected to the cursor, indicating that you can keep drawing lines.
Click two arbitrary points to create a single line segment. Right-click www. Open the Application menu and click the Options button at the bottom. Click the User Preferences tab in the Options dialog box that appears. J Time-Sensitive Right-Click is just that: an option.
Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click the Line tool in the Draw panel. Click two points and draw another line. Right-click quickly to terminate the LINE command.
Right-click again to repeat the last command and then click two points on the canvas. Command window to see what options 1. Click the Rectangle tool in the Draw panel and then click two are available and opposite corner points on the canvas. Objective requested at each step. Press Enter to repeat the last command. This time pay attention to I the prompts in the Command window. However, in this case you will use the default option, which comes before the word orr.
A new prompt appears. You will again take the default option in this prompt, which is to specify the other corner point. Click the other corner point, and the rectangle is drawn. In addition, the command is automatically terminated. Type F and press Enter to execute the Fillet option. Type 2 or 5 for metric and press Enter. Click two points to draw the rectangle. It is acceptable to input the foot symbol f when using Architectural units. Draw another rectangle and observe that it also has rounded corners.
Zero out the Fillet option by pressing the spacebar, typing F, pressing Enter, typing 0, and pressing Enter again. Click two points to draw a sharp-edged rectangle. The next time you launch AutoCAD, the Drawing Recovery Manager will automatically appear, allowing you to recover drawings that were open and possibly corrupted when the program unexpectedly came to a halt.
Type L and press Enter. Click two points on the canvas and then press the Esc key; the LINE command is terminated, but the single segment you just created remains. The Esc key will get you out of any running command or dialog box. Type E and press the spacebar. Click the line created in step 1 and Objective then right-click; the segment is erased. Click each of the segments, one at a time. Click the Undo arrow on the Quick Access toolbar. The lines you deleted in step 4 reappear.
Click the Redo button, and the lines disappear again. Undo again and, without issuing any command, click two points The virtually unlimited around the same three lines to create a selection window completely number of undo and redo actions in surrounding them.
Press the Delete key to erase the selected objects. AutoCAD means that it 8. A list of all the commands is a forgiving program. Select Erase from the menu to past the point when you undo the previous step. You can draw Objective objects in Euclidean space using the following coordinate systems: Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical. Once you learn coordinate system syntax, you can use the systems interchangeably to draw accurately in any context.
In two-dimensional drawings, the z-coordinate value of all objects is 0, so objects are expressed solely in terms of x- and y-coordinates see Figure 2. Click the Line tool on the Draw panel. The origin point of Euclidean space has coordinates 0 in x and 0 in y, which is written as 0,0. Therefore, relative coordinates are used more frequently. Click an arbitrary point in the Objective as the origin point, middle of the living room. The coordinates of the point you clicked relatively speaking.
Type 3 f,0 or 90,0 for metric and press Enter twice. Right-click in the drawing canvas and hold for longer than milliseconds to open the context menu. Type 0,6 f or 0, for metric and press Enter. A line measuring 6 f or 1. Type -3 f,0 or ,0 for metric and press Enter. Type 0,-6 f or 0, for metric and press Enter twice to complete a rectangle. Click the Rectangle tool on the Draw panel and then click an arbitrary point at the bottom of the living room.
Type 3 f,6 f or 90, for metric and press Enter. The same rectangle that you more laboriously drew with lines is already done. By default, zero 9. In addition, positive angles are typically measured Exercise 2. In polar east. These defaults can be set in the UNITS coordinates, points are located using two measurements: the distance from command.
East is the default direction of zero degrees. A 3 f or 90 for metric line is drawn at an arbitrary angle. Press L and then press the spacebar. Negative angles are measured clockwise from angle zero by default. UCS stands for user coordinate system.
Type on and press Enter. An icon indicating the directions of the positive x- and y-axes is displayed in the lower-left corner of the canvas see Figure 2. Type UCS and press Enter. Type Z and press Enter. Type 90 and press Enter to rotate the coordinate system.
The new line has a different orientation with respect to the original line you drew in step 1 see Figure 2. Both lines were drawn at a degree angle but in different coordinate systems.
To restore the current coordinate system to its original state, called the world coordinate system WCS , type UCS and press Enter twice.
The plan is oriented to the WCS as it was initially. Draw Circles, Arcs, and Polygons Arcs are sections of circles. A polygon with a large number of segments may look like a circle but is fundamentally different. There are many options for creating circles, arcs, and polygons.
AutoCAD provides these options to make it easier to create accurate shapes based on all the types of geometric situations that typically arise in drawings. Zoom into the stove in the kitchen.
Two of the burner circles are missing, and you will draw them. On the Home tab, take a look at the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel and observe that Furniture is the current layer because you see www. Open the Layer drop- I down menu and select Equipment as the current layer see Figure 2. Drawn objects appear on whichever layer is current. Think of layers as invisible sheets of tracing paper that you draw on.
You will use preexisting points as guides in drawing the burners. Click the Circle tool on the Draw panel. Select Node from the context menu Figure 2. Type 3 g or 8 for metric and press Enter to create a circle with a radius of 3 g or 8 for metric.
J Note that typing the inch symbol is unnecessary. Never type m, cm, or mm to represent metric units. Right-click to repeat the last command. Hold down Shift and right-click to open the Object Snap context menu. I Select Node and then click point B shown in Figure 2.
Object snaps listed in 7. Hold Shift again, right-click, and choose Node. Click point C shown the context menu must in Figure 2. You will 8. Click the arrow under the Circle tool in the Draw panel and select learn how to set up 3-Point. Click the circle you running object snaps in Chapter 3. Hold Shift, right-click again, and type G. Notice that this letter is underlined in the word Tangent in the context menu refer to Figure 2. Click the circle on the bottom left.
AutoCAD draws a circle precisely tangent to the three others see Figure 2. Erase all three point objects and the last circle you drew to leave the four burners of the stove. In the next set of steps you will use one such arc option to draw a door swing. Pan and zoom into the bathroom by dragging and rotating the mouse wheel. Select Doors from the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel. Select Center, Start, End. This is the sequence in which information must be entered.
Hold Shift and right-click. Select Endpoint from the context menu and click the start point B shown in Figure 2. The arc appears, and the command is completed. You can draw these shapes inside or outside a circle or specify the edge length, as shown in the following steps. Make the Furniture layer current by selecting it from the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel. Zoom into the living room. Type 4 and press Enter to draw a square.
A 2 f or 60 in metric square appears. Press Enter to repeat the last command, type 6, and press Enter to draw a hexagon. Renewal options. Find a reseller.
Sales and refunds. Choose your subscription plan. Pay as you go with Flex. Product support. Manage your account. Download and install software. COVID resources. Education support. Email Address Email is required Entered email is invalid. Drag its palette bar and relocate it onscreen. Click the Auto-hide toggle and watch the palette collapse to its vertical palette bar; this saves space onscreen.
Hover the cursor over the palette bar and watch the whole palette reappear so that you can access its content. Now toggle Auto-hide off. Click the Palette-properties menu and select Anchor Left. The Sheet Set Manager palette is docked along the left edge of the user interface. You can use many options to organize the user interface to match the way you work.
Select Sheet Views on the tabbed interface. A new drawing appears in the drawing window. Click the Open button in the Quick Access toolbar. Once you open Manager.
Move the cursor over the current drawing tab and click Brush Roller Sub Assy to reopen the layout. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. The drawing is saved locally on your hard drive, and a backup copy is also automatically uploaded to your Autodesk account.
In addition, close the Sheet Set Manager. Paper space is a interface. Model space, on the other hand, is a single three-dimensional volume where everything is drawn in actual size. Model space is typically scaled down in viewports and displayed in the paper space of layouts. Most of the drawing you will do in AutoCAD will be in model space.
A drawing can have only one model space, whereas any number of layouts displaying model space through viewports can be saved in the same file. The ribbon is therefore an important feature that was introduced to AutoCAD Choose the 3D Basics workspace from the drop-down menu in the Quick Access toolbar. Close the Tool palette if it is open. Worksspaces Workspaces not to be confused with drawing spaces are stored sets of user inter- face controls, which include floating palettes and the configuration of the ribbon.
People use workspaces to configure the interface quickly for the task at hand. Click the Minimize Ribbon button and observe that the full ribbon changes to display tabs and panel buttons see Figure 1.
Hover the cursor over the panel buttons. The buttons expand to reveal all the tools shown on the full ribbon. Click the Minimize Ribbon button again. The panel buttons change Objective into panel titles. Click the Home tab to reveal the full I panel temporarily. It disappears after you move the cursor away. I recommend using the 5. The full ribbon interface is restored. Use one of the 6. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the Edit panel to reveal minimized modes to additional tools.
Hover the mouse over one of the tools to display a save space onscreen. Holding the cursor a while longer reveals an image that illustrates what the tool does see Figure 1. AutoCAD is based on commands. Observe that the bottom of the tooltip shown in Figure 1. The ribbon, menus, I toolbars, and palettes are all graphical alternatives to typing commands.
Press and release the Alt key. Keytips appear on the ribbon see Figure 1. Pressing any of the letter combinations activates that part of the GUI.
Type IN and observe that the Insert tab is selected without moving the cursor. If you undock the 9. The bottom command line, it can line, Command:, is called the command linee. The complete history of commands scrolls upward as and to show a number of lines of prompt new commands are entered. Two lines history. The application status bar contains a coordinate readout on the left and a number of status toggle buttons, as shown in Figure 1.
The icons that have arrows adjacent to them open menus. Toggle off all the status bar toggles so that no icons are highlighted in blue.
Open the customization menu by clicking the rightmost icon on the status bar and deselect Clean Screen, Coordinates, Isometric Drafting, and Annotation Monitor from the context menu that appears. You can control which buttons appear on the status bar using this menu. J www. Take a look at the InfoCenter at the top right of the screen see Figure 1.
Click in the search box and type solid. Multiple online books are searched, and relevant results appear in the left panel. Click the Help button on the right edge of the InfoCenter. The Help Table Of Contents page opens. All AutoCAD documentation is accessible through this interface. The hyphen is used to separate inches from fractions of an inch rather than feet from inches.
Decimal Metric users should select this type. One decimal unit can be equal to 1 millimeter, 1 centimeter, or any metric unit that you decide. Engineering Like the Architectural type, engineering units feature feet and inches, but the inches are represented in decimal form—for example, Fractional American woodworkers often prefer to set AutoCAD drawings in fractional units of inches because that is how their work is normally reckoned.
Click the New button on the Quick Access toolbar. Most commands have aliases that minimize typing. You can press Enter or the spacebar to enter commands command names never have spaces. Commands and their options can be typed in uppercase or lowercase. Select Architectural from the Type drop-down menu.
Metric users should select Decimal length units. Click the Insertion Scale drop-down menu and select Inches or Centimeters for metric. Click OK to close the Drawing Units dialog box. Now You Know In this chapter, you learned how to sign in to Autodesk , open and save sample drawings, identify user interface elements, access model- and paperspace, change workspaces, control the appearance of the ribbon, type commands using AutoComplete, identify commands in the graphical user interface, and set the drawing units.
You will learn how to correct mistakes, navigate two-dimensional space, and use coordinate systems to draw accurately. Exercise 2. Type 1 and press Enter. The Navigation bar appears on the right side of the user I interface see Figure 2. The last-used tool appears on top. Click ZOOM command. Click Pan in the Navigation bar, drag the mouse from left to right, and then press Enter to end the command.
For an alternative method, press and hold the mouse wheel and pan the drawing to center the refrigerator on the canvas as shown in There are many Figure 2. Pan to the lower-left corner of the refrigerator by right-clicking, choosing Pan from the context menu, and dragging in the canvas.
I Press Esc to end the command. Click points A and B, as shown in Figure 2. Roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in further and drag the mouse capability of AutoCAD. Type Z and press the spacebar. Type P and press Enter to execute Zoom Previous. Repeat this process until you can see the entire refrigerator. You can choose an option by typing its blue letter and pressing Enter, by clicking the highlighted option on the command line itself, or by pressing the down-arrow key and selecting the option from a dynamic input menu in the drawing window.
The default option is indicated in angled brackets, which in the case of the ZOOM command is real time. You initiate the default option by either clicking Enter or pressing the spacebar. To see everything that has been drawn, you can use the Extents option of the ZOOM command or, better yet, use this special shortcut: double-click the mouse wheel. Position the cursor over the bathroom sink and roll the mouse wheel forward to zoom in.
Notice that the view stays centered on the sink without your having to pan see Figure 2. Drag the mouse wheel to make slight panning adjustments if necessary to center the target object onscreen. Practice zooming into the kitchen sink, the stove, and the bathtub using the various methods shown in this section. Save your work. Your model should now resemble Ex You will begin by drawing some lines and rectangles without worrying yet about entering measurements. Turn off all status toggles in the application status bar if they are not You will use some of off already.
Status toggles are highlighted in blue when they are on and the status toggles appear in gray when they are off see Figure 2. Open the Customization menu I last icon on the right and toggle off Graphics Performance. Click another point to draw your second segment. The prompt on the command line reads as follows: LINE Specify next point or [Undo]: Press the down-arrow key and then click Undo in the dynamic menu that appears near the cursor.
The last point you clicked is undone, but the rubber band continues to be connected to the cursor, indicating that you can keep drawing lines. Click two arbitrary points to create a single line segment. Right-click www.
Open the Application menu and click the Options button at the bottom. Click the User Preferences tab in the Options dialog box that appears. J Time-Sensitive Right-Click is just that: an option. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click the Line tool in the Draw panel. Click two points and draw another line. Right-click quickly to terminate the LINE command. Right-click again to repeat the last command and then click two points on the canvas. Command window to see what options 1. Click the Rectangle tool in the Draw panel and then click two are available and opposite corner points on the canvas.
Objective requested at each step. Press Enter to repeat the last command. This time pay attention to I the prompts in the Command window. However, in this case you will use the default option, which comes before the word orr. A new prompt appears. You will again take the default option in this prompt, which is to specify the other corner point.
Click the other corner point, and the rectangle is drawn. In addition, the command is automatically terminated. Type F and press Enter to execute the Fillet option.
Type 2 or 5 for metric and press Enter. Click two points to draw the rectangle. It is acceptable to input the foot symbol f when using Architectural units. Draw another rectangle and observe that it also has rounded corners. Zero out the Fillet option by pressing the spacebar, typing F, pressing Enter, typing 0, and pressing Enter again.
Click two points to draw a sharp-edged rectangle. The next time you launch AutoCAD, the Drawing Recovery Manager will automatically appear, allowing you to recover drawings that were open and possibly corrupted when the program unexpectedly came to a halt. Type L and press Enter.
Click two points on the canvas and then press the Esc key; the LINE command is terminated, but the single segment you just created remains. The Esc key will get you out of any running command or dialog box. Type E and press the spacebar. Click the line created in step 1 and Objective then right-click; the segment is erased. Click each of the segments, one at a time. Click the Undo arrow on the Quick Access toolbar. The lines you deleted in step 4 reappear.
Click the Redo button, and the lines disappear again. Undo again and, without issuing any command, click two points The virtually unlimited around the same three lines to create a selection window completely number of undo and redo actions in surrounding them. Press the Delete key to erase the selected objects. AutoCAD means that it 8. A list of all the commands is a forgiving program.
Select Erase from the menu to past the point when you undo the previous step. You can draw Objective objects in Euclidean space using the following coordinate systems: Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, and spherical. Once you learn coordinate system syntax, you can use the systems interchangeably to draw accurately in any context.
In two-dimensional drawings, the z-coordinate value of all objects is 0, so objects are expressed solely in terms of x- and y-coordinates see Figure 2. Click the Line tool on the Draw panel. The origin point of Euclidean space has coordinates 0 in x and 0 in y, which is written as 0,0.
Therefore, relative coordinates are used more frequently. Click an arbitrary point in the Objective as the origin point, middle of the living room. The coordinates of the point you clicked relatively speaking. Type 3 f,0 or 90,0 for metric and press Enter twice. Right-click in the drawing canvas and hold for longer than milliseconds to open the context menu. Type 0,6 f or 0, for metric and press Enter.
A line measuring 6 f or 1. Type -3 f,0 or ,0 for metric and press Enter. Type 0,-6 f or 0, for metric and press Enter twice to complete a rectangle. Click the Rectangle tool on the Draw panel and then click an arbitrary point at the bottom of the living room.
Type 3 f,6 f or 90, for metric and press Enter. The same rectangle that you more laboriously drew with lines is already done. By default, zero 9. In addition, positive angles are typically measured Exercise 2. In polar east. These defaults can be set in the UNITS coordinates, points are located using two measurements: the distance from command. East is the default direction of zero degrees. A 3 f or 90 for metric line is drawn at an arbitrary angle. Press L and then press the spacebar.
Negative angles are measured clockwise from angle zero by default. UCS stands for user coordinate system. Type on and press Enter. An icon indicating the directions of the positive x- and y-axes is displayed in the lower-left corner of the canvas see Figure 2. Type UCS and press Enter. Type Z and press Enter. Type 90 and press Enter to rotate the coordinate system. The new line has a different orientation with respect to the original line you drew in step 1 see Figure 2.
Both lines were drawn at a degree angle but in different coordinate systems. To restore the current coordinate system to its original state, called the world coordinate system WCS , type UCS and press Enter twice. The plan is oriented to the WCS as it was initially. Draw Circles, Arcs, and Polygons Arcs are sections of circles. A polygon with a large number of segments may look like a circle but is fundamentally different. There are many options for creating circles, arcs, and polygons.
AutoCAD provides these options to make it easier to create accurate shapes based on all the types of geometric situations that typically arise in drawings. Zoom into the stove in the kitchen. Two of the burner circles are missing, and you will draw them.
On the Home tab, take a look at the Layer drop-down menu in the Layers panel and observe that Furniture is the current layer because you see www.
Open the Layer drop- I down menu and select Equipment as the current layer see Figure 2. Drawn objects appear on whichever layer is current. Think of layers as invisible sheets of tracing paper that you draw on. You will use preexisting points as guides in drawing the burners. Click the Circle tool on the Draw panel. Select Node from the context menu Figure 2. Type 3 g or 8 for metric and press Enter to create a circle with a radius of 3 g or 8 for metric.
J Note that typing the inch symbol is unnecessary. Never type m, cm, or mm to represent metric units. Right-click to repeat the last command. In addition, the Array Creation tab appears. Set the Columns count to 2. Set the Rows count to 2. Set the Between value in the Columns panel to Set the Between value in the Rows panel to Click Close Array on the ribbon.
Editing Using Grips When you select objects from the graphics window, small squares appear on them. You can use these grips to stretch, move, rotate, scale, and mirror objects, change properties, and perform other editing operations. Grips displayed on selecting different objects are shown below. The following table gives you the details of the editing operations that can be performed when you select and drag grips.
Object Grip Editing Operation Scale: Select anyone of the grips on the circumference and move the pointer to scale a circle. Grip on circumference Circle Move: Select the center grip of the circle and move the pointer.
Grip on circumference Arc Move: Select the center grip of the arc and move the pointer. Endpoint Grip Stretch: Select the corner grips and move the pointer. Move: Select the center grip and move the pointer. Center Grip Ellipse Stretch: Select a grip on circumference and move the pointer. Grips on circumference Stretch: Select a grip on the spline and move the pointer.
Modifying Rectangular Arrays You can use grips to edit rectangular arrays dynamically. Various array editing operations using grips are given next. Moving a Rectangular array Create a rectangular array as shown below. Select the array; you will notice that grips are displayed on it. Select the grip located at the lower left corner and move the array, as shown below. Click the Home button near the ViewCube to view the levels. Change the view to Top view by using the In-Canvas controls. If you only want to change the column count; place the pointer on the lower right corner grip of the array.
Select Colum Count from the shortcut menu. Next, enter the number of columns or drag the pointer and click. To change the row count only, click the top left corner grip and drag the pointer. You can also enter the row count in the command line. Changing the Column and Row Spacing To change the total column and row spacing, place the pointer on the top right corner grip and select Total Row and Column Spacing from the shortcut menu.
Type the 80 in the command line; the spacing between the columns and rows is adjusted to fit the total length. To change the total column spacing only, place the pointer on the lower right corner grip and select Total Column Spacing from the shortcut menu. Next, enter the total column distance or drag the pointer and click.
If you want to change the distance between the individual columns, click the second column grip and drag the pointer. You can also enter the distance in the command line. Likewise, you can change the total row spacing and distance between the individual rows by using the grips shown below. Changing the Axis Angle of the Rectangular Array To change the Axis angle of the rows, place the pointer on the lower right corner grip and select Axis angle from the shortcut menu.
Note that the angle is calculated from the first column of the array. For example, if you enter 60 as the axis angle, the rows will be inclined 60 degrees from the first column. Likewise, you can the axis angle of the columns by using the top left corner grip. Select the rectangular array; the Array tab appears in the ribbon. Select the lower left triangle of the rectangular array; the Array Editing State message box appears.
Click OK; the array editing state is activated. Draw a circle and trim the unwanted portion as shown below. Click Save Changes on the Edit Array panel of the ribbon. Modifying Polar Arrays Similar to editing rectangular arrays, you can also edit a polar array by using grips. Changing the Radius of a Polar array Create the polar array, as shown in figure. Select the polar array; grips will be displayed on it. Place the pointer on the base grip, as shown in figure.
Select Stretch Radius from the shortcut menu. Move the pointer outward or inward and click. You can also enter a new radius value of the polar array. Changing the Row Count of a Polar array Place the pointer on the base grip of the array and select Row Count from the shortcut menu.
Move the pointer outward and click. You can also enter the number of the rows in the command line. You can again change the Row Count by using the last row grip. Changing the Row Spacing To change the total row spacing, place the pointer on the last row grip and select Total Row Spacing. Next, move the pointer and click. You can also enter the total row spacing value in the command line.
To change the distance between the individual rows, click the second row grip and move the pointer outward. Changing the Angle between the Items To change the angle between the items, click the second radial grip and enter the new angle value. Changing the Fill angle of the array The default fill angle of a polar array is degrees. To change the fill angle, place the pointer on the base grip and select Fill Angle from the shortcut menu.
Enter a new value for the fill angle or drag the pointer and click. Revision Clouds Revision clouds are used to highlight the areas in a drawing. You can revision clouds using three different tools. Example 1: Start a new drawing using the acadISO template. Select Arc Length from the command line.
Type 3 and press Enter to specify the minimum arc length. Type 5 and press Enter to specify the maximum arc length. Specify the first and second corners of the revision cloud. You can also select the Object option, and select an object from the graphics window. The selected object will be converted into a revision cloud. Select the revision cloud and notice the grips. You can use the midpoint grip to stretch or add new vertices to the revision cloud.
You can use the corner point grip to stretch, add, or remove vertices. Select Style from the command line. Select Calligraphy from the command line. Specify the corners of the revision cloud and press Enter. Specify the start point of the revision cloud. Move the pointer around the area to be highlighted. Move the pointer onto the start point to close the cloud. The engineering drawing consists of various views of the object, showing its true shape and size so they can be clearly dimensioned.
This can be achieved by creating the orthographic views of the object. In the first section of this chapter, you will learn to create orthographic views of an object. The second section introduces you to auxiliary views. The auxiliary views clearly describe the features of a component, which are located on an inclined plane or surface. Creating Orthographic Views Orthographic Views are standard representations of an object on a sheet. These views are created by projecting an object onto three different planes top plane, front plane, and side plane.
The following figure shows the orthographic views that will be created when an object is projected using the First Angle Projection method. The following figure shows the orthographic views that will be created when an object is projected using the Third Angle Projection method.
Example: In this example, you will create the orthographic views of the part shown below. The views will be created by using the Third Angle Projection method. Create two new layers with the following properties. Layer Name Lineweight Linetype Construction 0. Activate the Ortho Mode icon on the status bar. Next, you need to draw construction lines. They are used as references to create actual drawings. You will create these construction lines on the Construction layer so that you can hide them when required.
Click anywhere in the lower left corner of the graphics window. Move the pointer upward and click to create a vertical construction line. Move the pointer toward right and click to create a horizontal construction line. Select the vertical construction line. Move the pointer toward right and click to create an offset line. Right-click and select Enter to exit the Offset tool. Select the horizontal construction line.
Move the pointer above and click to create the offset line. Likewise, create other offset lines as shown below. Activate the Object layer. Now, you must create object lines. Create an outline of the front view by selecting the intersection points between the construction lines. Right-click and select Enter to exit the Line tool.
Likewise, create the outlines of the top and side views. Next, you must turn off the Construction layer. Click on the Layer drop-down in the Layer panel. Click the light-bulb of the Construction layer; the layer will be turned off. Use the Offset tool and create two parallel lines on the front view, as shown below.
Use the Trim tool and trim the unwanted lines of the front view as shown below. Use the Offset tool to create the parallel line as shown below. Use the Offset tool and create offset lines in the Top view as shown below. Use the Trim tool and trim the unwanted objects. Create other offset lines and trim the unwanted portions as shown below. Select the From option.
Select the endpoint of the line in the front view as shown below. Move the pointer on the vertical line and enter 40 in the command line; the first point of the line is specified at a point 40 mm away from the endpoint. Also, a rubber band line will be attached to the pointer.
Move the pointer onto the endpoint on the top view as shown below. Move the pointer vertically downward; you will notice track lines.
Move the pointer near the horizontal line of the front view and click at the intersection point as shown below. Next, you must create the right side view. To do this, you must draw a degree miter line and project the measurements of the top view onto the side view. Click the light-bulb icon of the Construction layer; the Construction layer is turned on. Select the Construction layer from the Layer drop-down to set it as the current layer.
Draw an inclined line by connecting the intersection points of the construction lines as shown below. Click the Construction Line button on the Draw panel. Select the Hor option from the command line and create the projection lines as shown below. Right-click to exit the Construction Line tool. Create the vertical projection lines as shown below. Use the Trim tool trim the extend portions of the construction lines.
Set the Object layer as current. Select the Through option from the command line. Select the lower horizontal line of the side view. Select the end point on the front view as shown below. Click Exit in the command line. Use the Line tool and create the objects in the side view as shown below.
Turn off the Construction layer by clicking on the light-bulb of the Construction layer. Trim the unwanted portions on the right side view. The drawing after creating all the views is shown below. But many components have features located on inclined faces.
To see an accurate size and shape of the inclined features, you must create an auxiliary view. An auxiliary view is created by projecting the component onto a plane other than horizontal, front or side planes. The following figure shows a component with an inclined face. When you create orthographic views of the component, you will not be able to get the true shape of the hole on the inclined face.
To get the actual shape of the hole, you must create an auxiliary view of the object as shown below. Example: In this example, you will create an auxiliary view of the object shown below. Create four new layers with the following properties. Create a rectangle at the lower left corner of the graphics window, as shown in figure. Select the rectangle and click the Copy button on the Modify panel.
Select the lower left corner of the rectangle as the base point. Make sure that the Ortho mode is activated. Move the pointer upward and type 25 in the command line. Press ESC to exit the Copy tool. Click the Rotate button on the Modify panel and select the copied rectangle.
Select the lower right corner of the rectangle as the base point. Create another rectangle approximately 60 mm above the previous one. The rectangle located at the top is considered as top view and the below one is the front view.
Click the Explode button on the Modify panel and select the newly created rectangle. Next, right-click to explode the rectangle. Use the Offset tool and offset the vertical lines of the rectangle. Select the Object layer from the Layer drop-down in the Layer panel.
Create the object lines in the front and top views as shown below. Select the Construction layer from the Layer panel. Select the Offset option from the command line.
Next, select the Through option. Select the inclined line on the front view. Next, select the intersection point as shown below. Likewise, create other construction lines as shown below.
Create other construction lines as shown below. Set the Object layer as current layer. Next, create the object lines using the intersection points between the construction lines. Use the Circle tool and create a circle of the 35 mm. Activate the Construction layer as current layer. Create projection lines from the circle.
Create the other object lines, hidden lines, and center lines, as shown below. Drawing after hiding the Construction layer is shown next. Creating Named views While working with a drawing, you may need to perform numerous zoom and pan operations to view key portions of a drawing. Instead of doing this, you can save these portions with a name. Then, restore the named view and start working on them. Click the View tab on the ribbon.
This displays the Views panel on the ribbon. Create a window on the front view, as shown below. Enter Front in the View name box. Likewise, create the named views for the top and right views of the drawing. Exercise 1 Create the orthographic views of the object shown below. Exercise 2 Create the orthographic views of the object shown below. Exercise 4 Create the orthographic and auxiliary views of the object shown below. However, while creating a drawing, you also need to provide the size information.
You can provide the size information by adding dimensions to the drawings. In this chapter, you will learn how to create various types of dimensions. You will also learn about some standard ways and best practices of dimensioning. DWG trademark guidelines. All rights reserved. I understand that the Reseller will be the party responsible for how this data will be used and managed. Free Autodesk viewers. View now.
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