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This article itemizes keyboard shortcuts for the Windows 10 Calculator app. Alt + 1, Switch to standard mode. Alt + 2, Switch to scientific mode. Windows File Shortcutファイルとしても知られる、replace.meは、Microsoft Windows XP用の最新ののファイルバージョンはvXPで、10/25/に Calculator keyboard shortcuts ; Ctrl + G · Select 10 xin Scientific mode ; S · Select 10 xin in Scientific mode ; Shift + S · Select sin -1 in Scientific mode ; Ctrl +.
The following are common windows 10 calculator hotkeys free download shortcuts in many of the Microsoft apps that come with Windows 10 and Windows This includes shortcuts for:. Microsoft Edge. Paint 3D. Voice Recorder. In many of these apps, shortcuts are also shown in a tooltip if you hold the mouse pointer over a button. In others, pressing the Alt jak nainstalovat microsoft office zdarma free F10 keys shows available keyboard shortcuts.
If a letter is underlined in a menu, press the Altkey and the underlined key together instead of choosing that menu item.
Note: With a 100 keyboard, you’ll need to press the Ctrl key calxulator view some shortcuts. Select x 2 in Standard mode and Scientific mode. Keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Windows keyboard shortcuts for windows 10 calculator hotkeys free download.
Keyboard shortcuts in Continuum for phones. Microsoft Surface Hub keyboard shortcuts. Windows 11 Windows 10 More Need more help?
Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank windows 10 calculator hotkeys free download Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help.
Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Store in memory, in Источник статьи mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode. Add to memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode.
Subtract from memory, in Standard downllad, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode. Recall from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode. When history button is visible, selects the history button in Standard mode and Scientific mode.
Select 2 x in Scientific mode. Select 10 x in Scientific mode. Select 10 x in in Scientific mode. Select sin -1 in Scientific mode. Select sinh -1 in Scientific mode. Select tan -1 in Scientific mode.
Select tanh -1 in Scientific mode. Select cos -1 in Scientific mode. Select cosh -1 in Scientific mode. Select sec -1 in Ftee mode.
Select sech -1 in Scientific mode. Select csc -1 in Scientific mode. Select csch -1 in Scientific mode. Select cot -1 in Scientific mode. Select coth -1 in Scientific mode. Select log y x in Scientific mode. Select e x in Scientific mode. Select x y in Scientific mode. Select x 3 in Scientific mode. Select n! Selects all 3D items in your workspace; repeat command to toggle to select all 2D items.