Download video tutorial cara merakit pc
Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Bajang Tutorial. Related Papers. Keterampilan komputer. Motherboard dan perkembangannya. Makalah Mengenal Hyperthreading. Introduction Hyperthreading. A Brief History of the Computer. Go Pro. What Else Is There? Gamers practice hard to make it to the professional ranks. Because competition is fierce, gaining the competitive edge you need to outmaneuver your opponents is critical.
Use this guide to build a screaming gaming system today. Premium processors, high-end video cards and advanced components are essential as application designers continue to push the envelope with ultra-sophisticated, photorealistic games that feature incredible surround sound effects.
For dedicated gamers, that means taking your system off autopilot and flying free with your own platform. There are several components to consider as you move through each phase of the build process. This interactive tool provides you relevant information about the components and the phases involved in building your own top-of-the-line, performance-optimized system, as well as locations where you can purchase Intel components.
Also, check out the motherboard integration guide and find out what it takes to have an optimized system. If necessary, stand on cardboard or some other material that does not generate static. Be sure you have the manuals for each component nearby. Have your assembly tools handy, too. Usually a Phillips head screwdriver is all you need.
A sleek, professional gaming case will help you reach your full potential when you need it most. In general, the power supply should exceed the maximum required by the system components. Check to see that a watt ATX12V power supply comes bundled with your thermally advantaged case. CPU connectors are very susceptible to the oils on your hands, so wear latex gloves when doing this. It is also available at 3. Sebelum memulai perakitan komputer , perlengkapan yang perlu disiapkan seperti : tang, obeng, kabel, sekrup, jumper, baut, driver dan program aplikasi.
Alangkah baiknya sebelum motherboard dipasang ke casing, terlebih dahulu memasang processor karena akan lebih mudah cara memasangnya. Cara memasang processor ke motherboard yaitu :. Untuk memasang Motherboard pada casing yaitu letakkan motherboard pada tray casing dan sesuaikan lubang antara casing dan lubang motherboard, lalu kunci dengan sekrup. Setelah processor terpasang, lalu pasang heatsink supaya processor tidak panas. Heatsink ini diletakkan diatas processor dan diberi penahan supaya tidak lepas.
Sebelumnya lapisi heatsink dengan Gel penghantar panas. Cara pemasangannya yaitu : masukkan Card Adapter pada slot yang tersedia di motherboard, lalu tekan sampai konektor benar-benar masuk, kemudian beri sekrup sebagai penahan card. Kalau semua langkah-langkah perakitan komputer sudah selesai, kini tutup dengan casing dan beri sekrup. Hubungkan kabel dari catu daya ke soket dinding dan juga hubungkan konektor monitor ke port video card, konektor kabel keyboard dan konektor mouse ke port mouse.
Arief Fadhlika. Because competition is fierce, gaining the competitive edge you need to outmaneuver your opponents is critical. Use the tools and tips below to manage your system performance on a regular basis. Fungsi-Fungsi Toolbox pada CorelDraw. This interactive tool provides you relevant information about the components and the phases involved in building your own top-of-the-line, performance-optimized system, as well as locations where you can purchase Intel components. Alangkah baiknya sebelum motherboard dipasang ke casing, terlebih dahulu memasang processor karena akan lebih mudah cara memasangnya. Nuri Andhika.
WebDownload video tutorial merakit pc. Menerima servis komputer panggilan se tangerang dan jakarta apa keuntungan anda denga. Dalam tutorial kali ini selain mendapat ilmu . WebOct 30, · Kumpulan Video Cara Merakit Komputer dan Instalasi. Oktober 30, heri jaya Tutorial 0. Kumpulan Video Cara Merakit Komputer dan Instalasi – Silahkan . WebCara Merakit Komputer Sendiri. Unduh PDF. Info penyusun. Dalam Artikel Ini: Langkah. Tip dan Peringatan. Artikel Terkait. Artikel ini akan memandu Anda untuk merakit .